RIUH Turns One!
We have been coming here regularly whenever there was an event. We were even there when they did a trial run before the actual launch. Riuh is a monthly festival held at APW Bangsar with pop-up stores, live music and all round good time.
Each instalments came with a theme, which were usually seasonal - such as Deepavali, holidays and Raya. The event this weekend celebrated its first anniversary, and of course, being Merdeka, that spirit was lingering in the air as well.
Since I was still technically in leave, I went with Anita right after my rounds and enjoyed some nice food there for lunch. There were rows of stalls with fresh food and the one I went for was some freshly made cheeseburger from Curb's Diner. And it was excellent. That was washed down with some nice watermelon shake. In that hot weather, it was just perfect.
Anita went for something more local, laksa Johor. She said that it excellent as well. No complaints from the food department. Since the place was yet to be packed, we were able to sit down to enjoy our lunch. Nice company and great ambiance.
This was followed by a bit of shopping - Anita bought T-Shirts. I couldn't think of anything to buy. But I did pick up some Merdeka-themed buttons. More on that later.
One thing I noticed this time around was the traffic control. Getting parking here is notorious. On the last couple of trips, we actually took Grab. Since we were on our way back from the hospital, we decided to go straight there rather than return home and call Grab.
There were a number of Policeman on duty making sure that we didn't park on the curb. As a result, we ended up parking 10 minutes away at Lorong Kurau. In return, traffic in and out from the venue had been super smooth. I wished that there would be more designated parking area because I can only see the place becoming more popular in the future.
A great outing none the less. Definitely hoping that the coming anniversaries would be even better. Here's for more Riuh!