240326 Diary

My hangover from the weekend remains. It did not help a phone call at 2 am from ICU, from which I just felt difficult to get to sleep. By the time I woke up for sahur, I was really sleepy. Luckily the Power Nap after that kept me going at least through the morning.

However, my energy level suffered again after learning that Irfan was turned down by Imperial. With that, he decided to take up King's College for uni, which was not his first choice. I decided to shoot off early to be at home when he arrived home. And sure enough, he was in a strop.

Berbuka today was take-out from Haslam restaurant down the road. Idlan was away for his lectures this evening. It was a quick dinner as I had a webinar to attend shortly after berbuka. And the talk was better than I expected.

I was really groggy when I was drafting this. Best to head to bed straight off as I have a long day tomorrow before taking the rest of the week off ...