240308 Diary

I have planned to take a few days off at the start of Ramadan next week. Therefore today would be the last clinic before the break. The next clinic would be in a week's time - on Friday - and that would be the sole clinic for that week. Therefore, the list was longer than usual although my staff managed to trim it down. It ended up being manageable and I finished well income for Prayers.

I was supposed to have a management meeting that afternoon but it was cancelled at the last minute, freeing up some time for me then. But I ended up using those time to meet families. I still could not finish before six, but luckily despite the rain, traffic was much kinder.

I have an MSH Council meeting that evening - to start at 7.45. As I arrived home earlier than I planned, I managed to have dinner before we started. Might as well as it was almost 10.30 when we were finally done. Plenty to get through though as this was the final meeting for this council before the next MSH AGM and Congress when a new election would take place. If I were to be elected again, that might just be my final stint. I have been a council member since 2008. That's 16 year ...

I managed to chill out after the meeting was done. Saturday should be a lighter day since there was no clinic planned, but I am sure there would be plenty enough things to do in the morning ...