240328 Diary Nuzul Quran

The original plan was to get our passport renewed. I always thought that Nuzul Quran was only celebrated in Selangor but not in KL. But I was wrong. The moment we pulled into the Government Complex, the security pointed out that all the offices were closed. Mission abandoned.

At least, we made an early start, and Anita came along with me to do my morning rounds in Subang. By 9 am, we were already back home.

Then came the idea of heading out to Masjid India and specifically, the newly refurbished Semua House. Even though it was only 10.30 in the morning, the traffic has already packed. And the prices of parking around there were crazy expensive. One of them were going at RM 12 per hour while another, it was RM 20 per entry! Crazy!

We decided against parking and having to walk some distance in the heat during Ramadan. We went to Pavilion instead. The place was only about to be filled up when we arrived. After some shopping and browsing, we started stocking up on food for berbuka!

After everything were sorted, we went home, arriving at just after 2 pm! We were just early! A quick trip to Telawi for Pasar Ramadan, just to get some drinks and kueh. And luckily, the storm started just after we reached home. Some of our plants at the balcony were knocked over. Since we had to do some cleaning, we might as well take off out lights for Raya!

There you go! The lights were on! I was so happy with it that I actually did this entry while sitting at the balcony table. It was breezy with fresh cool air after the rain and the sound of the traffic passing by! I was still off tomorrow but I promised to deliver a talk tomorrow morning for the World Thrombosis Day. So, another early night tonight then ...