240320 Diary

It was one of those morning which whisked by without much fuss. The staffs were still talking about the dinner last night. They seemed to have had a great time. On the work front, it was not too busy and by 11, I was already done with Day Care.

I managed to have a quick nap during lunch break as I slept late last night after the dinner. I had a couple of meeting with the Pharma reps before I start my afternoon clinic. I split my afternoon rounds as I had a meeting in the middle of it at 5 pm.

I decided to do some paperwork before heading off as the traffic looked bad. By doing that, I reached home around 15 minutes before berbuka. And Anita cooked my favourite nasi ayam for tonight.

After berbuka, we decided to have a quick walk at the mall as I had a few items to get. Gardens Mall was already decked up for Raya from the look of things.