240317 Diary

We planned for a full Sunday. I went to bed as usual after sahur, and Anita followed me to Subang for my ward round as we planned to go to Bangsar Village straight after that.

While in the car, we received a message in the condo resident's group that there had been an incident in the condo pool that morning and the pool would be closed. And it involved a fatality. That's a way to start a Sunday ...

Any how, we went about our business. I had my haircut in Bangsar and we went straight to buy food from Mahbub despite it was even noon yet for berbuka later. After leaving the food at home, we went to Pavilion as Anita wanted to have a look at Radzuan Radziwill pop-up store there for Raya. There were some amazing products and Anita bought some.

Then we bought some more food, this time to bring to my Mum in Bukit Antarabangsa. Since the start or Ramadan, Mak has been staying there with her friends. She said, there were plenty of activities at the sure and mosque, keeping her occupied. In fact, she was never alone.

There was some renovations happening at the house next door - a new buyer came in for that lot. We hung around for a bit, before heading home to spend the rest of the Sunday afternoon.

Back home, we learned about what happened that morning from our neighbour. It was certainly tragic ... and I was not keen to tell it here. We spent the rest of the afternoon at home, welcomed the heavy late afternoon storm before finishing off the whole season of The Gentlemen. Quite a good series actually and I hope that Netflix would renew it for the second season.

The evening did not end there. I stayed up to watch the FA Cup match against Liverpool ... or at least try to.