240307 Diary

Today was a day dominated by traffic. The traffic coming home has been nightmare for the last couple of weeks and this was actually school holidays! I was not sure what actually happened, but anyhow I just had to endure it. It had been raining all afternoon and that certainly did not help.

The day started cool enough. Had a productive morning, getting many things done before I set off to work. Thursday also meant no clinic. So, plenty of work done before lunch while attending to Day Care duties in the afternoon.

My staff passed me a voucher for free coffee from our new Jamaican Blue Coffee outlet at the main entrance. Free coffee for International Women's Day. I gave it a pass though as the queue was too long. I passed it to one of my nurses. I'm sure she would appreciate to more.

But I got carried away with meetings and reading until late afternoon. I did not realise how badly it was raining outside, and by the time I left the hospital, a check on Waze showed that it would take 45 minutes.

Since Anita had already got dinner sorted out, I had to leave for home. In the end, it took me almost an hour.

After dinner, I was already spent. I decided to call it the evening and leave other things till tomorrow. I guess work can never finish ...