Waiting for my Tandoori while watching Drogba just scoring a scorching goal

It's Saturday night and in a couple of hours ManYoo will play Bolton at home. It has been my ritual for a number of years now to get a Tandoori takeout in my 2001 Veron ManYoo top before every weekends game. I like to believe that is part of the reason why we win more often than lose.

Tonight is exception follwing the abysmal showing and a late saviour in the form of Ferdinand (of the Anton variety this time), we could've been undone. The perplexing tactical masterstroke of not even puttig Ryan Giggs on the bench on the fateful Sunderland game just goes to show how much we depend on the old guard. It was so worrying to see how many misplaced passes Scholsey played dying the 45 minutes he was on te field. I just pray that it was just a fluke, not a dip in form. The alternative would be either Carrick or Anderson. Both of them are out of form at the minute.

Oops! Aston Villa just scored an equiliser against Chelsea. Things are looking up! Will write after the match if I have Internet access.

Posted via email from Stamp up those photos!