Now in IKEA - Argh! What to buy? All?

The traffic from Great Eastern Mall was relatively heavy for this time of the week. Took me close to an hour to finally leave the car park. We went straight to IKEA. Anita has a list of things to buy and we quickly went through the list. Some of them were only for browsing since we were not clear what fits into the house. The 2010 catalogue were also just out. Will come in handy the next time we head there. The main stuff we bought was the deck chairs for the children. They were surprisingly affordable. We also grab a few glass jars at half price and a floorlamp.

One thing about IKEA is, it was good and well to have a list. As soon as you get in the front door, your eyes starts to wander and you ended up looking at things you are not supposed to buy .....

Posted via email from Stamp up those photos!