
This morning, before attending the clinic, I went to Idlan school to attend his graduation. Well, kindergarten graduation. He wasn’t that excited initially, but not until he found out that he would be wearing a robe. We gathered at the school library to get them on. Fitted him smartly, with Irfan looking on from close by wondering what the fuss was all about.

Today was the last day of school for Seri Utama, and the last day for Idlan in kindergarten. Some of his friends, who had been with him for the last 3 years in kindie will be leaving for public school, so it was kind of a bitter sweet affair. Most of them was not able to continue because of school schedule. From next year, Idlan’s school times will start at 9 and finishes at 3.30 in the afternoon. We were lucky as Puan Anita will be her own boss and able to fit the time to fetch both Idlan and Irfan. We have also enrolled Idlan for Sekolah Ugama in the afternoon, 3 times a week from then on. I am sure, he will have his hands full.

Anita planned to join the rest of the parents for an impromptu gathering at a playground at Great Eastern Mall later in the afternoon. It will be the time for Idlan to say goodbye to his friends who will be leaving. A few will stay on however, and I am sure he will meet more friends.