
Spend much of the day outlining the structure of the Haematology UMMC website, from the design, method of population of content as well as colour scheme and installing Disqus as the main commenting system. Eventually I will connect it my accounts' NetworkBlog setting in Facebook so that the update will appear in my Facebook face regularly.

Over time, I will also need to rope in the help of my Pharmacist and other Specialist in giving more specific input as well as answering queries should there be any in the future. I will also be talking to patients to get their input and maybe I will include a segment for patient to even write in. I am sure they will be able to connect more directly with the readers and move away to the stoic approach of a Doctor writing and thinking that was all the patient wants to hear. In the course of the last few days, I have received a few offers to help. And to certain someone who offered, I was not thinking of translating the site in Mandarin just yet. I now even struggling with Malay.

In the ward, one of my Medical Officer was taken ill. I therefore did an impromptu talk on blood transfusion for the benefit of the juniors. We also had sponsor for lunch - thank you Joey. She supplied me with my favourite pizza - the one with ikan bilis from Domino's. THat hit the spot even though I only managed to have lunch at almost 4. Next come a couple of referrals before doing some other paperworks before heading home. Tonight, more streamlining work for the blog. I have also just bought the domain name hematologiPPUM.com for the site. More reading tonight I am afraid.