More Abang Beca

As I mentioned in my previous entry, I was pleasantly surprised by the trishaw pusher at Bandar Melaka. They treated us local Malaysian with the same zeal as they would do foreigners. They were eager to help and explains what was on show, and took us through the landmarks, with stories and anecdotes one would expect from a seasoned tourist guides. I thought that I should give them props as props were definitely due here.

These trishaw riders were young, as young as your typical rempit riders in KL. Rather than being a menace, these lot were a creditto society and quite rightly form the frontline to tourist. Their English were not perfect but there lies the charm. If the tourist wanted to hear somebody describing Bandar Melaka in perfect Queen's English, they should attend an English class instead! You need to hear the enthusiasm, you need to experience the charisma of the place. I have been disappointed with local guides in my time and even at the hotel, while I was attending Habibah's wedding, Puan Anita was left fuming at the receptionist when she asked information about local attraction. The young lady behid the desk just nonchalantly replied, "I don't know as I never taken the trishaw ride before". When asked again about the river cruise, she replied something similar. I wonder of that was only the reply she gives to the locals. I can't imagine her getting away with that if a foreigner asked. She doesn't deserve her job if you ask me.

Should any of you visit Bandar Melaka again, make sure that you check these trishaws out. The riders were modest, polite, helpful and more importantly surprisingly resourcefully. I would definitely take another ride again should I spend a weekend in Melaka, but through a different route of course. There were so much to experience!

The slideshow for the trip can be found here.

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