More Decorations at Pavilion

I was so impressed with the Christmas decorations at Pavilion that on Friday evening, I returned there with Puan Anita. This time around, it was in the evening. We went there for dinner and while Anita was getting her shopping done, I ventured out into the fountain area by the main entrance.

The main entrance were full of this sticky stuff. Not real of course.Careful not to trip on them.The full vistaWhile sitting having a mocha at Dome. The coffee was rubbish however.Wondered if they had weight restrictions.Since it was still November, there were not much activities yet, but the place were packed. The carousel was opened to the public and the lights there were spectacular. It however paled to last year's. I meant, who could beat the snow there had by the entrance.

Now, outside by the main entrance. The lights seemed to fall down from the sky.Looking towards Bukit Bintang. Traffic was still full at this hour.

This time around, it was more about lights and Xmas tree and ornaments. I managed to take some video of the place and would be editing them in my spare time. I would upload them after that.

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