Aidil Adha

Wishing all my friends a Happy Aidil Adha and Happy Holidays.

We started the day at the surau for prayers. Our local surau has a couple of cows for the slaughter today, but the rest of the members would e traveling to Kuala Lipis for more slaughter at an Orang Asli kampung. There would be half a dozen cars traveling, but unfortunately, I would be at work that day.

The surau by my Mum's house had nine cows and both my Dad and brother-in-law would be on hand to help out. I went to Bukit Antarabangsa rather late, and by lunch, it was starting to rain.

My boys with their cousins at Grandma'sLunch was great. My Mum's cooking of course. Now waiting for the boys to settle down after spending the whole morning running up and down the stairs at their Grandma's place.

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