Ghost Protocol

So, we were back home after the week at Sunway Pyramid. Now we managed to get some time for the two of us, and what better way than spending some time at the movie. Initially Anita wanted to watch Breaking Dawn, but it turned out that one of her friends wanted to go as well next week. We therefore decided to watch Mission Impossible.

It was a spectacular movie. Spectacular in terms of the spectacle, but the plot was rather ...... old. Put it this way, Old Russia threatening the world with Nuclear warfare scenario. It was so yesterday. It did not stop the action though. Hanging down the Burj in Dubai? Awesome.

Dinner before the movieAs I said, the plot was rather lame, but the character development was good, and I had the sense that the producer was planning for more installment in the future. After watching the movie, one could not help but to be invested in the characters. Simon Pegg was hillarious. there was also this mystique around Agent Ethan's other half just added to the intrigue. Personally, I knew that the same set of crew would be a success - with a better story arc - next time around. The next Mission Impossible should be much better than this.

And the BMW concept car on display? I want one!

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