Holiday was over

The five day break was coming to an end. Spent most of the time just chilling and organizing the plan for the coming months. March will start with a trip to Myanmar, followed by a couple of weeks later in Singapore. Then Kuching end of April and London the beginning of June. I will hardly have a free weekend from now on until July. That's life I supposed.

Much of the time was spent organising Irfan's party this coming weekend. It will be his schoolmate coming for the party rather than the cousins like we did last year. Irfan has been busy inviting. Mainly his new classmates, and so was Idlan. Even though we got the main stuff covered, Anita wanted the goody bags to be sorted out with a personal touch.

The day started out with us taking my Mum out for breakfast. We went to a local PappaRich, after which we took her after to do some groceries shopping. She has another eye appointment tomorrow, but her vision was getting better. The eyes were nowhere as red as it was a couple of weeks back, buy the vision was still blurry.

I spent the afternoon with Irfan while Anita did more shopping for the goody bags with her Mum. Got most of my paperwork done, but still plenty to do during the weekend. I will also be on call again tomorrow, so will only be back home rather late. I'll probably finish the main bulk of the paperwork while waiting for the evening rounds.