Source Code

The film Moon, staring Sam Rockwell released a couple of years ago was a great sic fi thriller. Often these sic fi affair tried to vow you with their clever visual effects and wildly improbable storyline. Moon was different. Essentially it was about a mining scientist plied by Rockwell who was on a two-year mission marooned on the moon, only in physical contact with a robot. Apparently it was one of those clever artificial intelligence ones who can read his mood and interact accordingly.

He was looking forward to return to his young family - a daughter born when he was away - when something peculiar happened, and things started to unfold from then on.

The same directors' sophomore effort (Duncan Jones), Source Code, offered something along the dame vein, but not stereotypical of Moon. It offered enough action to keep you at the edge of your seat, in the meantime made you think about the whole affair. It again left a lasting impression, something that only hit me a few days after the fact. Good quality psychological thriller, with a definite twist in the end. As the movie would be coming out on DVD soon, I suggest that you grab it when it came put. If you were into psychological thriller, you couldn't go wrong with this.

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