Great Start

Three points are three points. They will all tally up at the end of the campaign, and may be the difference between being the Champions, or the next title pretender. And it was great to have those points wrapped up in the away column, something we failed to do ten times last season in the Premiership.

This season will be a transition on a number of fronts. The aging squad has been injected with exciting new blood. Phil Jones looked a great buy, and Ashley Young looked to have played for United all his career. The third addition, the goalkeeper David De Gea, looks like he would need time to establish himself. After all, one thing being a Spanish International, but a United number one goalkeeper is a different thing all together. He is only 20 after all, and goalkeepers mature in their early 30s. There were arguments that United brought him in too early. I actually agree with that, but we still had to buy him. Buy him, but make him an understudy to the great van der Saar for a season. Following that argument, we should have invested in him last year.

He played a couple of televised games and made three blunders that cost us goals. But, that does not mean that he is the next Massimo Taibi, the rather unfortunate ex-AC Milan goalie who played six games for us, and was then quietly shipped back home. A folklore story at the stands at Old Trafford.

Exciting times none the less. Something to look forward to, and it will be a great season, with Citeh, Liverpool and Chelsea strengthening and Arsenal having their tail in between their legs! Next game, Spurs at home!

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