Giving it the boot?!

Well, the good news of the technician coming over was tempered by the fact that apparently there was nothing that he could do, and I, yes, the customer not him, had to call Astro again to tell them that the box was faulty and need replacing.

When I called - I mean pressed the combination of 2,4 and 3 after calling the number to answer the pre-recorded question - the lady on customer support asked me exactly what my wife was told, and after a few minutes explaining, I suggested that she should just contact the technician directly as I have his mobile number with me. On second thought, maybe not. They might just mess things up further.

So, another promise of "everything would be sorted out within 48 hours", until I reminded her that the first call came through last week. According to her, there was no record that I called them yesterday! Sigh! Now they had a bad database system to add to their list of inadequacies.

At least it was Wednesday today. At least they had a couple of days to sort the mess out before the weekend. What I could not understand was, it should have been the technician contacting Astro directly about the replacement. There would be no need for us to be the messenger to explain what had transpired. Why should I waste my time making the phone call. I did not mind making it, but it just reflected how much they value their customers. "Don't bother sorting their problem, they would just call back if they need anything!"

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