Full of Medications

We got to Pantai rather late, just after noon. Luckily the Paediatrician, Dr Azam - an old colleague from UMMC - was free to see us before lunch. We were soon after, and before long, the boys begged for some lunch.

In the last month, Irfan had been coughing at night, with fair amount of phlegm. We tried some ventolin inhalers, but with only marginal improvement. As for Idlan, it was the fever he had since Friday. It was still spiking this morning.

Azam made a few changes to their regular medications as well as started Idlan on some antibiotics. He also found that Idlan's tonsils were a bit swollen. He also needed some nasal spray to reduce his rhinitis. So, the next week would be a full day for Anita sorting out their medications.

Idlan should be able to go back to school, but by the afternoon, Irfan was starting a temperature. We had some antibiotics for him as stand-by. It looked like he would need them. He would also need to be off school tomorrow.

LunchIdlan were soon full of beans ....Were they feeling ill? Not quite. They were creating havoc at the hospital lobby! The video uploaded here.

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