A Day as a Driver

Today was spent being a driver. Idlan was at the Lego camp and Anita was right next door at Bangsar Village II for a facial. We timed it so that both went on at the same time, but I thought Anita overdid it a bit this week. The facial took a good 3 hours almost. I was sure she was talked into having extra treatment. By the time she was done, Idlan was right grumpy.

Idlan made a crane at the camp today and from the way he described it, he was having a great time. The camp, as he liked to call it was on the second floor of Village II. He went there for an hour and a half each Saturday. Each trip offered different activities, and today he made himself a crane, complete with gears and pulleys. No electronic motors this week. Irfan on the other hand refused to go. He pointed out that the class was only for those already in primary School. Missing out on all the fun I supposed.

Idlan was ready to goNext, I would have to drive to Pasar Ramadhan. And that I didn't mind.

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