At the Hairdresser's

Upon arriving back home front Gohtong Jaya, Anita reminded me of another thing I missed before the school open for the boys cone Tuesday. They needed some serious haircut. The last time they had theirs, it was at Saw's in KLCC. They had since grew fond of the stylist they had there last. A very nice young man called Truno.

We were lucky that he was available when we turned up. He started working on Irfan first. That would take him at least half an hour. Idlan's hair was not as long. But by the time they had finished, I better start thinking of iftar. I would fancy a bit of Tandoori as there would be a football match tonight. United playing Citeh for the Charity Shield. I can assure you that come the kick-off whistle, there wouldn't be much charity on display!

On the way up to the salon, I bumped into an old friend from Shuffled Sheffield, Darman. It has been a decade since I met him. He has not changed much. He has now married his girlfriend and they had a couple of girls.

This entry was prepared and uploaded using the SquareSpace Android app I was beta testing.

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