The Open Afternoon

That was a full afternoon. Right after Smurfs, we rushed to Bangsar Village to buy food and cakes for the open house later on.

After Asar, a few of our cousins turned up with their families. Some of them had not been over for quite some time. A nice chit chat. They stayed until Maghrib.

We were lucky that we had enough food. Apart from the take-outs, Anita cooked spaghetti and another cousin of ours made a curry. Unfortunately, one of our uncle couldn't make it as he was taken ill after his chemotherapy last week. He was feeling weak with some mouth ulcer to boot. We may need to go owe at his place to visit in the coming few days.

Looking forward for another full day tomorrow. A few of Anita's friends from the UK would be meeting up for afternoon tea in Bangsar. Will be joining them after Jumaat prayers.

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