Spring Clean

I couldn't believe the amount of junks I have accumulated over the last seven and a half years I had been at UM. With Friday being a public holiday - Malaysia Day - I managed to get plenty of cleaning done, and put the rubbish into black rubbish bags. Unfortunately, there were no cleaners until Monday. So, the junks had to stay in the room until then.

Stuffs I need to go through to clear my roomIn the end, the stuffs needed to be carried home fit into this box.And the rubbish went here. And I was only halfway when I snapped this ....I realised that most of the junks were papers. Plenty were also freebies from the pharmaceuticals. Some of them were not even opened since they were handed to me many moons ago. We really could do with the paperless concept and save a lot on space and resources. Most of the documents and papers were used only once.

Time to get things organisedBefore I head home ......I put together the still useful stuff into a box to take back home. And true to the American movies where you'd bring with you a boxful of personal stiff - plus a plant or a bowl of goldfish - I brought the box all the way to the car at the Faculty. Since it was a public holiday, nobody was lurking. That was the plan …..

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