More Photos from The CM Walk

Well, I supposed a single entry was not really enough with the number of photos I took during the walk.

I knew it was worth preserving the past, but this building could do with a new coat of paint.The Medan Pasar clock tower, where the bus stops were. Such nice blue sky.Calling home maybe .... This area was a hotspot for the foreign workers during weekends.A ticket to ride. At least they were queueing up.Next turn was Masjid Jamek, where Sungai Gombak and Sungai Kelang met, giving the name Kuala Lumpur. Not really muddy nowadays.I ventured up towards Jalan HS Lee, before walking back towards Petaling Street. Rather than walking further, I decided to cut back as I had to attend my suster's party later that afternoon.

Dodgy dealings aplenty. Vendor selling their wares near Masjid Jamek.Looking up at Masjid Jamek.And looking on towards Menara Kuala Lumpur, rising up between the buildings flanking the streets.The old and the unkept. A real eyesore in the middle of town.I wouldn't mind this. With a new coat of paint, this could turn into a real charmer ....Colourful shop signs. Kind of my thing ....Hotel Winsin, near Petaling Street.Almost back to where I started ..... Central Market

That gave me the chance to explore Central Market in the morning, before the place got packed. A revelation as you would see in my next entry, and that would be after I load up more photos from this walk. I took too many photos I guessed, but that was just the power of the X100.

Please read other entries from this photowalk here.

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