Slides Done

The sight which greeted me when I arrived home yesterday.Now that I had my slides prepared for the rest of the week, I was much more settled. I felt bloated when I woke up this morning with all the food. Anita went out with her friends this morning for breakfast after dropping the boys at school. As for me, I had a free morning.

I was quite keen to take my X100 for another spin. I was very impressed with the photos I took during my Penang trip last weekend and I could see myself enjoying using the camera even more. Once I was more familiar with the camera, I would write a more detailed review.

As for today, I was thinking of going over to Central Market for a spot of street photography. Weather permitting of course. I have lectures and work the rest of the week though, including the coming weekend. So, if I need to go for shoot, today would be the day.

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