The Joy of Being Driven
I woke up this morning with a right sore throat. My brother-in-law, spending Hari Raya break from Turkmenistan was feeling feverish since yesterday and I was not surprised if I were to catch the bug off him. The fact that I had been traveling during the weekend did not help.
My voice went all nasal by mid-morning, and I had a couple of lectures to deliver in the afternoon. My voice became worst by lunchtime, so I had some soup and salt water gargle, and the throat improved a bit. I was too tired to drive myself to PJ Hilton for my talk, and had to ask our driver to take me there.
I arrived just in time for some more soup. One of the organiser brought me some warm honey to drink and it worked a treat. Managed to deliver the talk - nasal of course. I napped on the way back in the car.
Felt a bit rough still when I woke up at home. Just had some paracetamol and dinner. Feeling less feverish. I was sure Anita would ask me to sleep in the study. She would be worried if the boys caught the virus from me. Planning for an early night.