Changes of Plans

The morning started smoothly enough with the nice weather and the quick drive from the apartment to the ward. The ward round also went fine. We then went for a late breakfast at Bangsar Shopping Center where we bumped into one of the boys' buddies and their parents.

Unfortunately, that was the highlight. It went downhill after that. Or at least, not according to the plan.

The original idea was to head out to Low Yat to survey for the laptop for the Haematology Society. But with, the breakfast cum lunch finishing later than planned, we decided not to go together. I would go to Low Yat alone - Anita likes to walk around Pavilion usually.

I then got a call from my sister that my Mum had been under the weather since last night. She had a slight virus I think and had been feeling sick overnight. Much better today, and we bought her and Dad some tea. We hang around until late afternoon, until I had to go back to the hospital to review a couple of the inpatients.

So, two big plans for the weekend had to be shelved. The photo walk and the trip to Low Yat for gadget browsing. Never mind. At least I got to spend some quality time with Anita and the family. Happy Sunday evening all ....

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