You Got Balls Sir

I went to bed extra early yesterday, and missed the historic jump by Felix Baungartner. I mean, you have to give it to the man. To free fall from 120000 feet, hitting supersonic speed, and staring death on the face, this man has balls!

He had been planning the jump for the last 5 years, and with the amount of sponsorship he acquired, he was able to get a solid team behind him, including the very man whose record he broken, Joe Kittinger.

So, I woke up this morning, scanning the web and frantically reading my RSS feed. He made it. He had come scary moment with his visor fogging up and being temporarily caught in a potentially deadly spin. His base jumping experience told, and he managed to reach the Earth in one piece.

He broken a bunch of record, but missed out on the free fall duration record. I guessed he went supersonic and called down much faster than he reckon, and burned out the altitude faster than he thought. Either way, it was still great achievement. Well done Mr Baungartner. Datukship for him surely ….

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