The Apple Announcement

It was finally announced. One of the worst kept secret in Apple was unveiled in the keynote last night and the iPad Mini would be arriving later in the year - or later in the month at Low Yat. Supporting the same resolution as the iPhone 4, not quite the retina display, Apple finally yielded at the viability of the 7 inch form factor. This iPad has a cellular chip, but the stock model does not carry voice, meaning no native ability to make phone calls.

Camera would be a 5 MP affair - which should be pretty decent. And taking snaps and videos would not be as awkward as doing so on a full sized iPad. But that was not the announcement which caught my eye.

Reading the rumor mills and reading the logs made it obvious that the announcement was imminent. So was the release of the 13 inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display. But what surprised me about the Pro was that it had two Thunderbolts and an HDMI output. It would be very interesting if the Intel Graphic chip - the laptop did not have a separate high-powered GPU unlike the 15 inch sister - would be able to shift all the pixels. It also only carried 4 GB RAM (ed: sorry 8 GB but still underpowered) and a dual core i5 processor. I think it would be a touch underpowered.

But the main headline for me was the upgrade to the iMac line. Yes, I was planning to grab one for the apartment for the last few months but held off as I thought it was de for a revamp. It finally came. New form factor, but nothing revolutionary. Same resolution, and still an i5 chip - a slightly powerful one though. The chassis was now thinner, and the display was upgraded to IPS technology, which translate to a mo vivid colour rendition. And no optical drive ...... I guess everything would be stranded rather than burned in the future ....

I have yet to watch the full keynote - I would leave it for later in the weekend. It would be interesting to read the gadget blogs to see the reactions. I reckoned it would generally be a positive one. And yes, I would be investing on an Android 7 incher .......

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