Post Call Blues

Post call had always been a mixed bag for me. I have been a doctor for 15 years now, but there was no hiding that bit of elation when you knew that your call was over. Slight change though in private practice as you were still in direct charge of the patients you admitted, but at least you could sort of like predict why the next time your phone ring. And you knew that it would less likely be from the Emergency Room.

So, the call last night was OK. Most of the admission came during a more sociable hours. One ICU admission, but the patient was pretty stable once there. But I still felt that lack of sleep come the afternoon after. At least there was no clinic this afternoon, and I was doing some paperwork, as well reading up on the latest gossips and news.

It looked like it was going to rain soon. And that would mean horrendous traffic jam again. I couldn't go to the hospital any earlier than 3pm as the road I used would pass in front of Sri KL, and there would be rows of parents picking up their children just after three. The traffic? Forget it. These affluent folks were really bad when it came to being gracious on the road. In fact, they tended to be the worst …..

So, I had to wait for a while at the apartment before I drove back. I think it would take me an hour and a half to finish the rounds later. With a bit of luck, I would reach Gombak before Maghrib. And then dinner, and a bit of sleep hopefully.

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