Crocs for Idlan

We were about to leave Pavilion for the park when the heaven opened again. And it opened big time. Big enough that later that afternoon, SMART tunnel was closed. Luckily we passed through the tunnel half an hour before it was closed. Traffic was still smooth then, and there were no sign of flooding. Yet.

Anyhow, the change of plan as far as the park was concerned cost me money. Idlan had outgrown his last Croc, and wanted a new one. But we had a bit of an issue. The biggest children size was too small, and the smallest Junior size was too big.

We went for the bigger one and it looked like he would have to wear socks to fit in for the next few months. In terms of choice, the Croc shop at Pavilion proved disappointing. There was not much choice in terms of models, and they ran out on some of the sizes. For such a busy outlet, they should make provisions, or at least move to a bigger store. But well, who am I to tell them how to do their business. At least, they had enough staff to cope with the number of customers.

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