Physical All Done

The physical examinations were all done and now I was on my way back home, picking Irfan up in route. I actually have a lunch talk at 1 and at the rate I was going, I don't think that I would be able to make it back to Subang in time for that. In fact, I had taken early lunch with Anita before leaving KLCC.

As for the checkup itself, it went without a hitch. It was rather comprehensive, with blood, urine, X-ray and stress test. It was completed with a physical by one of the Physician there. It went on smoothly after he learned that I was a fellow Physician as well.

The place, Twin Towers Medical Center was a lot bigger than I expected. One of my friend, Azida work there a few days a week and Anita had been to visit her on a few occasions. It was my first time there and I was surprised. I could only imagine the amount the place had to pay for rental monthly. It must be a bomb. And the place was packed.

I managed to get to stage V on the treadmill, reaching the target heart rate. I felt OK afterwards, but a bit thirsty. I could do with a bit more of a regular exercise especially with my BMI now surprisingly above 25. Not by much, but I could do with shedding a kilo or two. Or five.

Rushing home now for a quick shower, then back to Subang for the afternoon clinic.

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