Tense Time at The Bridge

Even though I was quiet and sleepy, I stayed up to catch the first few moments of the Chelski-Citeh game on TV. A cagey start. No risk taken by both sides, true to the philosophies of both managers. And this was a departure from the more free-flowing style of only last week, at least as far as Chelsea were concerned. And yes, Torres was included in the starting line-up. I guessed that Banitez's contract stipulated that.

I was however struck by the hostile response by the crowd towards Banitez. These lot clearly considered Robbie Di Matteo as one of their own, and lived to see him stay. Unfortunately with Chelsea, the owner decided everything. It was his club. Not the supporters. Shame really. And Banitez better get his act together and start winning soon. The fans won't give him too log to settle. And since I don't think Abramovich can afford to sack another manager before he end of the season, the fans would be stuck with Banitez. Tense time ahead .....

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