Back from Terendak

The journey time from Terendak and Gombak was just under a couple of hours. Both in and then the return. The journey down was especially nice as I travelled on an empty highway, setting off just after Subuh prayers.

I had to be in Terendak by 9 and I made it with half an hour to spare. A nice drive down, exiting the highway at Linggi, taking the last 45 minutes along the scenic kampung route. In early morning in fresh air. It was nice.

I have arrived a bit earlier as I was too tired to hang around, plus the fact that I had to be on call tomorrow meant that I could do with a rest and rest I did. I also had to decline an offer to vosit anotjer teacher in Melaka. As soon as I reached home, I took a nap and only woken up a couple of hours after with a phonecall from work. I'll probably have to drive in to visit a patient at some point this evening.

So, for the meantime, I need some food. And a shower. Will blog more later tonight, maybe after the big game against Liverpool. As usual, I've it to have some tandoori .....

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