Post Call Blues

Actually, for an on call, I managed to get some sleep, despite driving back to the apartment at 2 am. I was hungry when I reached the condo and scrounge around for food. Luckily, Puan Anita bought some microwaveable meal, which I duly gulped down in record time, while watching a movie on ASTRO. Couldn't really remember what movie it was, but I was pretty full by the time I headed for the mattress half an hour later.

I slept like a log until I woke up at 7 am. Shower, then the drive to the hospital for the morning rounds. But for some reason, Federal Highway was packed today. Took me about 25 minutes to drive in. Skipped breakfast and started the morning rounds.

I used to be able to cope with only 4 hours sleep. It was considered a luxury before. I guessed, I am slowly but surely showing my age. Finished the rounds, did some paperwork, and before long, it was 11 am. Realizing that I skipped breakfast, I headed out for an early lunch.

Lunch was done. Clinics in an hour and a half to go. Too early for the afternoon rounds. Better put my leg up and start blogging and catch up with the news.

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