The Morning Has Broken

So, it was finally the morning after. We hardly done any packing last night and the check-out time is 11 am. A long drive back to KL to follow. It had been a nice stay, though the boys as usual were wining a lot. As I mentioned, it would have been better if they had their friends or cousins with them. Maybe, that would be the plan for the future.

Their toys were still strewn all over the place. I had just woken up to stretch my legs. A quick shower coming up soon, followed by a quick walk to 7-Eleven to charge up my toll card for the drive to Tuas.

If everything goes according to plan, we would be leaving after breakfast - a late one as usual - then would be having lunch in Johor. Anita did mention about stopping at a designer outlet in Johor, but not sure if she has the energy - but you'd be surprised how women can always find energy to shop though.

So, finally, bye-bye Marina Bay Sands .....

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