Wedding at Nilai

The first order of the day was to Nilai. My cousin, Shari, finally got hitched and we attended the reception there. We left as scheduled, at around 10.30 after my morning rounds, and reached the venue about an hour earlier, relatively early. After mingling around, and enjoying a splendid lunch - the food was actually very good - the happy couple arrived, in white. Quite rare these days to have Malay wedding with a white theme. But white it was.

Most of the family members from Penang made their way down here. My Dad was due to sit on the high table, but when the couple arrived, all hell broke lose, and Dad ended up having dinner at hour table instead. An hour after we finished eating. To accompany him, I went for seconds .....

After we were done with the food and met all the extended family members, it was time to go. As I mentioned, we would be spending the night at A Famosa, before driving further down to Muar tomorrow.

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