The Swing of Things

Yes, I was more less back to my groove yesterday. Sorted out my rounds and clinics, plus at the end of that, took the boys out for dinner since Idlan just finished his assessment. A bit tiring towards the end of the day, but it was more due to the driving rather than the actual workload.

Woke up this morning a bit later than usual. The whole household did. I decided that I would be better off waiting for the traffic to subside, rather than rush out. Consequently, I have an extra hour at home. I'll be on call today, but at the movement, I do not have that many patients under my care in the ward.

Puan Anita was also packing today as we planned to spend the weekend at the apartment. She would be doing some groceries and cleaning later this morning. I have a clinic, so, I was not able to join her. Hopefully, the call could also be rather light today as I could do with a bit more rest.

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