Weekend of Weddings

An akad nikah ceremony last night followed by a wedding lunch. And now, I need to chill and enjoy the rest of the weekend. The plus was, it was just me and Puan Anita going for the events, leaving the boys at home. Otherwise it would have been double mayhem.

The akad nikah last night was held at home, complete with a big feast and fireworks. The event started late however, well after nine, and we only managed to return home at around half past ten. The boys were still up then, and it was past midnight when they were asleep.

After the rounds this morning, we were off for a lunch wedding. The wedding was at Templar Park, the first time we attended a wedding there, but I must say that the food was gorgeous. It was not a surprise since the caterer was from Felda D'saji, a well known chain. The highlight was the tapai - fermented rice - for desert. I'm personally not a fan, but Puan Anita really enjoyed that.

So, we plan to take the boys out for the afternoon, to make up for lost times .....

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