The Third Dinner

So, tonight was the third dinner I had for my birthday. And this time it was just me and Puan Anita. She was fasting today, so we went straight to KLCC after I reached home from work and had dinner at Spice of India.

This was followed by a spot I shopping as she needed to get some thick clothes for the boys for this weekend's trip up Fraser's Hill. The worry she had - she always worry - today was her brother having a cough and slight fever. She tended to pick up from him, an her brother had only returned last weekend after being away in Dubai. Getting a cold would really spoil the weekend for her. Hopefully she wouldn't.

It looked like it would e a full week for me next week. After the Fraser's Hill trip, I planned to join my Mum in Sungai Petani and Penang. Then to return to KL in time for the first day of Ramahan. And of course to enjoy the Pasar Ramadhan ..... Give me food .....

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