Idlan and Miniature Golf

My father-in-law was an avid golfer back in his heydays. In fact, all senior government servants were golfers. Maybe it was built into their job description. He would spend weekends away on retreats with fellow senior officers at resorts, and my mother-in-law was furious at times. Unfortunately, after his heart bypass in 2004, he had hardly pulled out the driver.

Tips from the ProBogey!One more tryTaking a breatherIrfan also had a goDuring our trip to Frasers Hill last months, we spent a couple of afternoons after lunch playing a quick miniature golf, and on the second afternoon, my father-in-law actually Syed with Idlan. It was a great sight. My boys actually understood golf, from TV and video games and certainly they understood what putting was all about, making teaching them a breeze. It was hardly the real thing but Idlan had fun with his grandfather, which waste main thing.

The training went on until tea timeFollowed by a runAnd a swing!I was sure Idlan would inherit his golf set still ending dusting down. More on the Fraser's Hill stay here.

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