Taman Warisan Pertanian

It threatened to rain. But it was only a slight drizzle. It was enough though for us to abandon the plan to walk the promenade and settled instead with a stop at Taman Warisan Pertanian.

Back when Anita was carrying Idlan, we came here to meet up with our collegemates for a quick teh tarik session. Very nice ambience and with the cooking breeze, the place was a hidden gem.

Nine years had passed. We've been there a few times but never actually looked around. We did this afternoon.

The main eating promenade. It was raining then.The whole area would require a good few hours to fully exploreIt was early afternoon when we reached there, and most of the stalls were still closed. But even then, I couldn't help but sense that the place felt abandoned. Maintenance was pretty decent, but one of the main attraction of the bazaar was an open kitchen when one just walk by and grab their order a la a buffet.

That part of the bazaar had been closed. Just the stall building remained. Maybe the management was concentrating on other aspects of the facilities moving forward.

Plenty of empty space, which may indicate that business was rather suspectThis used to be an open stall areaI saw many families as well as a couple of busloads of school children stopping by when we were there, perhaps taking shelter while on a trip to visit Putrajaya. We didn't venture into the rest of the facility as the bazaar only formed the entrance to the whole place. There were plenty more yonder if the weather was good and you had proper gear on. A great place for a family day out I was sure.

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