United Beaten, Suarez Scores Four

That was a depressing read. Regardless of how you wanted to sugarcoat it, getting beat by the team you left, at home was a bitter pill to swallow for any manager. Well, it better be!

It was confidence-sapping and derailed our unbeaten momentum. We just failed to roll on after the win in Germany last midweek in the Champions League. It would take some lifting up going into the congested Xmas fixture.

I woke up to catch the second half, and it was pretty even then although United was on the front foot. It took a brilliant reflex save from the bearded Tim Howard and the crossbar to stop is taking the lead. But how things could change.

We started conceding free kicks at dangerous areas again, similar to what we did against Spurs last weekend. Although the goal did not come directly from one, the successions of free kick out us on the back foot and we started defending deeper and deeper. One chance on the 86th minute and it was one nil to the Toffee. We couldn't claw back from that.

Rooney was again sucked down into midfield where he was less affective. Our midfielder just couldn't shift the ball quickly enough. Too many sideways passes. Even the brilliance of Adnan couldn't undo the stout Everton defence. I think we still have issues with the midfield. Sometimes the looked pedestrian.

There wasn't a lot to take home from the defeat especially when the other contenders were winning as if it was routine.


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