Lunch Delight

In the last couple of weeks, my Dad had been complaining of headache. He had also been laser on his diet - he loved his lamb - and ran out of his tablets. Sure enough, his blood pressure was up. So, I changed some of his treatment, as well as plan for a new pair of glasses for him. He needed a new prescription.

So, right after the clinic was done - Anita was present as well - we went out for lunch near the hospital. For some time, I had been wondering what the Kelantan Delights restaurant had to offer. There was where we went for lunch.

A nice restaurant, and the food and service was better than we expected. Our order came pretty fast - there were not that many patron there then - and the waiters were pretty attentive. And they were from Kelantan judging from their dialect, which was appropriate.

We ordered from the a la carte range, rice, vegetables, fried whole fish, some rendang as well as kerabu mangga. The place also offered set lunch if you were on the go, but since we wanted to share the food around, we did otherwise.

The fish was very nice, and so was the ayam percik. Kerabu was also better than expected and we finished everything. We even had desserts - against my advice, Dad had some tapai.

I would definitely be returning. I wasn't sure if the recommendation applied to all their branches - in have only visited the outlet at Subang Jaya so far. Service was quick and food was good. Price was not bad either - the set menu offered good value.

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