Four Years and Counting

It had been 4 years since I uploaded my first entry into this blog. The first real upload happened while I was contemplating the projects to do during my sabbatical, which hopefully would lead up into a PhD plan. It was way past midnight, in the bedroom in front of the laptop when everybody else had been fast asleep.

I decided, why not structure a blog. I had been hearing about SquareSpace, and decided to give that a go. The platform let me blog from anywhere, and I just caught the big from then on. And this would be my 1666th entry, just on this journal alone. Not exactly prolific but often work got in the way.

It was always great to be able to post up my own photos, document my travel, and after a few years look back at what was penned down. Certainly brought back great memories, and a few no too great ones. I had certainly aged a lot since then. I left the University, got my own practice, my boys all grown up. It formed my personal diary, and I felt I got a lot from the writing.

I hoped to be doing more traveling in the future, and enrich the blog with more tales. I wish that I could have more free time to do just that, but hopefully when we move into our new apartment, I would be able to cut down on the traveling time - for me time wasted on the road - and consolidate my other blogs, which I have a problem updating.

Here's to four more years. Cheers!

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