Post-call Monday

Post-take days were always more tiring than the actual on call days. Add to that the phone calls which would probably interrupt your evening about the patients in the ward. I tended to let my schedule be empty form the days after the calls.

And last night was a busy one. I managed to get the post-call round sorted out early, but still I had to cancel my clinic at ParkCity. I was too tired to make the trio across town. Anita also came to the hospital to see one of my colleagues about her fever. Test results excluded dengue, but she had to be put on antibiotics for her cough and swollen tonsils. So, we hung around for lunch before she left to pick up the boys from school.

I then took a short nap at the Doctor's mess while waiting for the afternoon clinic. Luckily, there wasn't too many patients. This was followed by a long ward round before I finally managed to leave for home in time for the United game after Maghrib. My mood didn't get better with the lethargic United display. Deservedly, we were knocked out .......

I was just been woken up by a phone call from the wards, and since then found it difficult to drift off back to sleep. Tomorrow would be my packing day for the trip to Kyoto on Wednesday night. Better get some rest ......

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