And the Editing

On my count, I snapped around 800 frames during the four days I was in Kyoto. I decided to only bring the X100, and I think it was the better choice.

Before anybody argue that the level of the snaps won't be of dSLR quality, you'd better think again. The jpg coming out of the camera were things of beauty, and combined that with the size of the body, it made for a great little travel camera.

Good thing that I brought the charger along since I had to charge the batteries twice. Reaching home, there was the little matter of sifting through the whole collection and doing some post-editing. I only managed to rummage through half of them so far. I've already geotagged and added the keywords onto the metadata. Next would be the grading and selecting which ones should be picked for post-editing, the actual editing itself, captioning then exporting into jpg with watermarking. Then came the uploading to my SmugMug server and Flickr. And of course at some stage, Facebook.

That would take me to the weekend I thought at the rate I was going. So, for the moment, Happy Editing!

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