Dash to Subang

After sorting my Mum, and the small matter of lunch, I made my way across to Subang. And before long, Shahril, Amin and Azida arrived to visit Anita. Great company.

After they left, the boys arrived. And they were really curious about the drain coming out of Anita's tummy after the operation. Initially worried, but when they saw that there wasn't any blood, they didn't mind.

Before long, they were hopping onto the bed already. By this time, Anita had finished her dinner and the tummy pain was getting less. The fever was virtually gone right after the operation was done. Although at times, she was still having spasm, she was OK. She was more worried about the kids than anything else.

As for me, I'm having a quick early dinner while waiting for the phone call from aunt who was travelling from Sungai Petani. I would be picking her up at the bus station later.

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