The Durian Cake

After iftar, the cake was finally unveiled. It was a sponge cake with pure durian topping. I like durian in its pure form. I only eat them from the fruit. I don't like them in curry or other form. Not even in pancake or my wife's favourite tempoyak.

So when I found out that this was the cake that Puan Anita bought for us tonight, I was feeling dreadful initially. But I changed my mind after having a bite.

One each, to avoid any tussle between me and DadBut the honour went to IdlanIt taste surprisingly like the real thing. Not too sweet, and it smelt the same too. The texture was a bit sift and I ended up just beating the durian bit, not the cake. Not roo bad at all.

I won't go around recommending it since I felt full after just a slice, but it certainly was something new. Puan Anita got it from Secret Recipe but one would have to order them in advance.

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